Holistic Beauty. The Art of Cosmetic Acupuncture
Full Cosmetic Acupuncture Sessions
In-depth Sessions are aimed at stimulating the body's natural process of promoting collagen and elastin production in the face, helping tone and brighten the skin.
New Patient Diagnostic Session & Treatment: 1.5 hr ($185)
Returning Patient Maintenance Follow-Up: 1 hr ($165 drop-in or $150 for package holders)
Note: When booking online we highly recommend going ahead and scheduling the initial session PLUS 10 follow-up sessions. This way your favorite appointment time is secure. You can always cancel at least 24 hours before the appointment.
Your Cosmetic Acupuncturist
Cosmetic Acupuncture Packages:
Returning Patients: 10 follow-up sessions: $1500 (save $150)
New Patients: 1 New Patient session + 10 followups: $1685 (save $150)
Please note: Packages have a 4 month expiration
Cosmetic Acupuncture at Village Wellness Featured in The Mainline Times.
Holistic Beauty Cosmetic Acupuncture at Village Wellness is a safe, natural way to slow down the aging process and rejuvenate your look. Our style of cosmetic acupuncture has a very natural look. If you are looking for an alternative to Botox or other fillers, interested in feeling beautiful inside and out, and able to commit to the 10 session series, Holistic Beauty Cosmetic Acupuncture is for you!
Note: We keep our treatments strictly confidential. Many of our patients prefer to keep this kind of treatment a secret from their friends and loved ones, and we honor this to the highest degree.
What is unique about Cosmetic Acupuncture at Village Wellness?
2 words: Holistic Beauty. Our holistic approach means that you will ALWAYS receive a full mind/emotion/body/spirit balancing treatment along with the cosmetic acupuncture. Our goal is to have you feel beautiful from the inside out. Beautiful mind, beautiful heart & beautiful body.
Cosmetic Acupuncture Featured in the New York Times. Read the Article
What is a Holistic Beauty Cosmetic Acupuncture session like?
During your initial 1.5 hour session, we do an in-depth interview and exam. Here you will have an opportunity to talk about your goals and I will come up with an individualized treatment plan for you. We will also do our first treatment which involves several tiny needles that are inserted into the skin, this signals the body to send fresh blood and energy to the area. We are using acupuncture to stimulate the body's natural process of promoting collagen and elastin production in the face.
For your appointment:
Please come with makeup off. Ideally skin is free of foundation/blush etc.
Long hair should be kept back with a headband or elastic.
Please do not vigorously exercise, use saunas, hot tubs, or drink alcohol prior to your appointment as the vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels) increases chances of bruising.
Come hydrated!
After your session:
There's no down time: you can head right back to work or play after your treatment! Most people feel relaxed: the stress of the day has melted away and a pleasant calmness has taken its place, but there is no “set” response. Your body will continue to experience ongoing shifts and changes in the time after treatment and this usually continues for several days as your body absorbs and realigns around “new information.” Please allow the physical and emotional restoration that acupuncture sets in motion to continue by taking it easy after treatment by avoiding anything strenuous: you don’t have to literally lie down or take a nap (although, it’s good if you can); just take it easy. Be good to yourself: drink lots of water, eat a nourishing meal and get a good night’s sleep to get the most out of each treatment. Acupuncture is not a one-shot deal. It works cumulatively, meaning one treatment builds on the next.
How many sessions will I need?
We have noticed for the best long term results, our average patients do best on the following schedule:
Initially you are seen weekly (or even twice per week) for at least 10 sessions. Often, at about the 6th treatment you can start seeing visible changes in your face. The face has a glow to it and skin begins to tighten. At 10 treatments wrinkles and fine lines start filling in. The face also has a noticeable lift. Some patients will find they want more treatments, however, once this initial series is complete we begin maintenance sessions. Maintenance session are done monthly or every other month depending on your particular needs & goals.
How long will the effects last?
Patients have found results can last from 3 to 5 years or longer with monthly maintenance.
Is Cosmetic Acupuncture right for me? (contraindications)
Cosmetic acupuncture is a natural and safe alternative procedure, but it is not for everyone. If you have a serious health condition it is not a good option: people with heart and seizure disorders, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, some pituitary disorders, individuals who have a problem with bleeding or bruising, or currently suffer from migraine headaches are not candidates for cosmetic acupuncture.
Cosmetic acupuncture should also not be done during your pregnancy, a cold or flu, an allergic attack, an acute herpes outbreak or within 3 weeks of Botox, Restylane or Collagen injections. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us, so we can discuss whether you are a candidate for cosmetic acupuncture.
What can Holistic Beauty Cosmetic Acupuncture help with?
The minimization of fine lines and the softening of deeper ones.
Soften deeper lines. These deeper lines may never fully go away but they can “fill up” and look softer and less harsh.
Help improve acne and rosacea.
Help to soften the skin and make it more vibrant.
Help the cheeks get smoother.
Bring more consistency to your skin tone.- if your skin tends to have lots of red in it, it may be reduced considerably.
Help age spots fade.
Help erase those “little hard spots on my face”.
Help Wrinkles. Wrinkles on the neckline (the decollete) have disappeared- the vertical lines some women get as a result of sun damage.
Additional reported benefits of Holistic Beauty Cosmetic Acupuncture include:
Hot flashes and or night sweats went away.
Eyes looked brighter, to an acupuncturist, this means that the spirit is more balanced.
Mild depression has been reversed.
Mild anxiety is resolved.
Many patients report that their digestion has improved and this directly affects what is going on in the skin and on the face.
Patients report having more energy.
“I had a headache when I walked in but it was gone when I left!”
“My cousin asked me what I was using on my face because it looked amazing without makeup!”
Acupuncture has healthy side effects:
Relaxing and balancing of the body
Improved Thyroid function
Reduction of hot flashes and night sweats
Reduction of mild depression and anxiety
Improved sleep
Cleared Sinuses
Increase in energy
Improved Digestion
Regulate hormones
Overall body rejuvenation not confined to face
Improvement of Bell’s Palsy or Trigeminal Neuralgia